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Our strategy

We are committed, through our Time with Dad strategy, to building a society that systematically supports men as actively involved, caring fathers.


We want men to receive the help they need to care for and spend time with their children - and to play their part in supporting their health, learning, and development.


This has benefits for children, for women, and for society - as well as for fathers themselves.

Our approach to achieving change is to:

  • Develop, maintain, and promote a high quality evidence base about UK fathers and fatherhood

  • Transform the commissioning, design, and evaluation of services and family interventions - and individual practitioners' attitudes and practice

  • Identify and test promising interventions from around the world, in the UK

  • Advocate for policy change

  • Improve public understanding about fathers' roles and impact

Our objectives

Family Services

We want perinatal, health visiting, social care, and other family services to routinely and systematically support fathers' close attachment to their babies, and involve them in supporting their children's health and development.

We will design, test, and advocate for improved systems including:

  • Routine data collection of paternal details and linkage to new birth records

  • Universal access to good quality information for new dads

  • An improved perinatal team parenting offer for expectant couples

  • Systematic engagement with fathers by safeguarding services

Our 2024 priorities


Improving Safeguarding through Audited Father Engagement

We will publish findings from the Randomised Controlled Trial of ISAFE and scale the roll out of our intervention for social workers into more local authorities


The Kids are Alright: Adolescents and their Fathers in the UK

We will publish the final report in our Nuffield Foundation-funded series, and disseminate findings to the research community, policy makers, and practitioners 


Fathers Reading Every Day

We will begin our four-year project, funded by Mercers, to roll out and evaluate FRED in early years settings across the London Borough of Lambeth


Campaigning for an improved paternity and parental leave offer

We will seek funding to support our policy work, including our campaign for six weeks- well-paid leave for new fathers to be included in political parties' upcoming General Election manifestos


Paternal Involvement & its Effects on Children's Education

We will seek funding for an evidence review about fathers' impact on children aged 2-10, and follow-up work to build on the PIECE study

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